Participating initiatives (Proposals that successfully passed the admission check and have been confirmed as candidates by the submitting organizations) are sent to the International Selection Committee (ISC) by Expo 2015 S.p.A. for final evaluation.
This will be done according to the following criteria:
1. Innovation
The participating initiatives must be of innovative significance, including innovation in concept, process/product, institutional system, local/national/international policy and technology.
2. Social impact
The number and types of beneficiaries will be evaluated, as well as the impact of quantitative and qualitative values promoted by the project on matters such as: gender, employment, cultural heritage, local economic development, dispute resolution, human rights, social inclusion, integration.
3. Environmental impact
Initiatives should address the sound use of natural resources and their preservation, protection and sustainable use of biodiversity, completion of lifecycle, energy savings and renewable energy, low impact technology.
4. Concreteness
Initiatives should have a demonstrable and tangible impact on improving the food security of their beneficiaries and sustainability.
5. Transferability and replicability
Transferability and replicability of candidate initiatives will be assessed. Transferability is intended in term of approaches and results that can be transferred among developing countries, among developed countries, from developed to developing countries and vice versa.
6. Openness
Initiatives should be the result of collaboration among different regions, cultures, ethnic groups and languages (from both developed and developing countries).
7. Attractiveness
The capacity to inform and sensitize visitors will be considered, as resulting from the Application Form (which should be completed with information and materials in a story-telling approach).
8. Sustainability
Sustainability of candidate initiative results will be evaluated in order to ensure the maximum visibility of those initiatives whose achievements endure over time.
9. Dissemination
Originality in methodologies and tools used for the dissemination of initiatives results will be assessed.
For each criteria a score between 0 and 5 will be assigned.